
We want to create a place where waste is a thing of the past. By the year 2050, our goal is to be a zero waste campus.
icon of an encyclopedia with a recycling logo on the cover

新加坡时时彩 Recyclopedia

Are you trying to figure out where to recycle something? You can consult our campus Recyclopedia to help answer your recycling related questions.
Consult the Recyclopedia
Workshop and presentation icon

Recycling workshops

You can request a personalized recycling workshop for your office team. Our recycling coordinator can help demystify the recycling process on campus and teach you how to reduce your waste production.
Request a workshop

We are going paperless

In an effort to reduce our impact on the environment, Facilities is replacing paper towel dispensers in campus restrooms with automatic hand dryers.

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Paper consumption

Reduces annual paper consumption on campus by 9,000 kg.
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Plastic garbage bags

Reduces the amount of plastic garbage bags used by thousands.
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Restocking and maintenance

Reduces the time and cost of restocking and maintenance.

Waste reduction tips

Everything goes somewhere. We are committed to reducing consumption and preserving resources.

Litterless lunches
Try reusable containers and bottles when packing your lunch.

Reusable mug discount
Whenever you bring your reusable mug to campus, you will get a discount at all food service locations.

Add compost to your kitchen
If you have an office kitchen or a kitchen in residence, make sure it has a large compost bin (If not, email us). Most kitchen waste is compostable, including paper towel, paper coffee cups and paper take-out containers. Put this poster in your kitchen! 

Recycling should be a last resort
We too often think of recycling as an ultimate sustainable task. Always remember, Reduce-Reuse-Recycle is an order of processes. Reducing the amount of stuff you use should be the first priority.

Relocate recycling and composting bins!
Recycling and compost bins should be in every building on campus but they might not be in the best locations. You know the habits and patterns of your co-workers best; if you see that a recycling bin would be more effective if it were in a different location, contact Sanitary Services and ask them to move it.

Eliminate waste before you create it (and save money)!
Bring a reusable coffee mug, return the Friendlier take-out container from on-campus food providers, and bring your reusable cutlery set to work.

Reduce paper usage
Send documents and memos electronically. If you must print, print double-sided. Be mindful of how much paper you will use when printing and adjust your document accordingly. Reduce your margin size. Print single spaced. Delete text you do not need.

Reuse single sided paper
Set up a bin to collect paper printed only on one side. For drafts use this previously used paper rather than new paper

Use rags instead of paper towels
Even when you factor in the amount of water and energy required to clean rags, they are much better for the environment than single use paper towels.

Buy reused textbooks or rent your textbook
You can find old editions of textbooks on various resale sites. You can also  from the 新加坡时时彩 Bookstore instead of buying it.

For more tips, please check out our Sustainability Tips page.

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Plastic bag free campus

The University of Ottawa is a plastic bag free campus. This means that you will only see plastic bags if they are biodegradable or if there is a charge to use them. We encourage everyone to carry reusable bags whenever possible.