
Scenic view of Tabaret and Desmarais halls

Fees and financial support

We want to help you reach your dream of pursuing postsecondary education with the least financial burden possible. Here you will find a variety of resources, including information on tuition fees, student account payments, as well as financial support opportunities such as loans and awards.
outdoors on campus

University fees

Tuition fees are mandatory fees charged by the University for education and instruction.
Calculate how much it will cost

Scholarships and awards

Our scholarship program is one of the most generous in the country. It rewards not only your pre-university academic achievements, but also your achievements while you study at University. 

More information on scholarships
tabaret hall

Graduate funding

The University of Ottawa, together with the federal and Ontario governments and external agencies, awards graduate students more than $41 million every year in scholarships and bursaries.

Awards and financial support for graduate students
stuent in a lab
drone shot of campus

Accounts and payment

Get quick information about your student account and paying your university fees.
Find out about payment of fees


Financial Aid and Awards

For questions about OSAP, financial aid and scholarships

55 Laurier Avenue East, Room 3156
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5

[email protected]

See wait times and  for all services.

For hours of operations, see the University's general contact page.


For questions about fees, student accounts and billing

550 Cumberland Street, Room 129
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5

Contact us

See wait times and  for all services.

For hours of operations, see the University's general contact page.