
Group of students in front of Tabaret

International applicants

Students from more than 145 countries choose 新加坡时时彩 for its superior quality of education, lower tuition and its location, in the heart of Canada鈥檚 capital.
impotant note

Beware Fraud

Students applying to the University of Ottawa must submit and pay for their admission applications online using the OUAC form.
In case of doubt refer to our list of official recruitment advisers.

Keep track of the deadlines

  • Prepare your application for admission: check the information for international applicants and watch the video, which is specifically designed to help you apply
  • Application period opens. Apply online through the .
  • Submit the documents listed in your student file on uoZone that you have
  • Complete uploading your documents using the uoDoc application
  • Mid-January: recommended deadline to apply for admission through .
  • April 30 : Deadline to complete your admission file. You must submit all supporting documents for your application via uOdoc.
  • Recommended deadline to request a study permit.
  • Course enrolment begins. You must accept your offer of admission to be able to enrol in courses.
  • Deadline to apply for housing and to pay your fees
  • Attend a pre-departure workshop with your parents
  • Deadline to submit official transcript (final results). Upload them via uOdoc.
Between July and August
  • Apply to participate in the Work-Study program
  • Deadline to pay tuition, ancillary and housing fees
Between August and September
  • Late August and early September: orientation workshop for international students (on campus)
  • Late August and early September: move into housing residences
  •  Start of classes

1. Prepare to apply

Your eligibility for University of Ottawa programs depends on the level of education you have completed or are completing, as well as the program.

See the table below to find out what level of study you require for admission to a direct-entry faculty (one you can apply to without prior university studies) according to the country where you studied. If you are applying to a professional program, you must contact the faculty responsible for it.

If you have completed postsecondary studies, we will consider these studies when we evaluate your eligibility, even if you are applying to an undergraduate program.

  • Check whether you meet the language requirements. At the University of Ottawa, you can take your courses in English, French or both. The choice is yours! You will just need to demonstrate that you are sufficiently fluent in the language in which you choose to study. We might ask you to provide the results of a language proficiency test even if you have studied in a country where English or French is an official language.
  • Find out about the prerequisite courses for the program(s) you are interested in.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, you must complete all prerequisites in the last year of your secondary studies or at the postsecondary level.
  • Please note that the requirements listed are minimum requirements only and are subject to change. Meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
  • Be prepared to provide additional supporting documents or pass an admission audition or exam, depending on the program to which you are applying.
  • Check the deadlines and available programs before you apply.

2. Get admission information specific to you

Select your country of origin for information tailored to your profile. If your country is not in the list, please consult the information on this page. If you are currently studying in a French lyc茅e, in the IB curriculum, GCE curriculum or an American High School or in an institution in Canada, please consult the pages specific to your situation.

3. Apply online

  • Apply online through the .
  • Declare all your current and previous postsecondary studies, completed or not, even if they are not related to your application. Failure to do so may lead to the cancellation of your application or the withdrawal of your offer of admission at any time.
  • Enter your email address, making sure it is accurate. We will use this address to communicate with you for all matters. Also, check your inbox (and junk mail folder) regularly for messages from the University of Ottawa.
  • Pay the application fees for all your admission applications. Applications are forwarded to the University of Ottawa only after fees are paid in full and the payment has cleared. .
  • Note that OUAC is not part of the University of Ottawa. It handles applications to all Ontario universities and is responsible for transferring your application to our admission office. 
  • For more detailed information, consult the .

The University of Ottawa will not pre-assess or review your application prior to you submitting it. Your application will be evaluated only after submitted and all the necessary documents have been received. Note that admission is not guaranteed even if you meet all the requirements.

4. Track your admission status

You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your application within one week of applying through OUAC (see step 3). If you do not receive this email, look in your junk folder. If after two weeks you still have not received it, email us at [email protected].

Save the acknowledgement of receipt email. It contains important information on how to log into the  to track the progress of your application. It also includes your student number, user ID and password.

5. Submit the necessary documents

  • Log into  and check your Admission file for the list of supporting documents you need to submit to complete your application. Send your documents to the admissions office by uploading them to uoDoc, via uoZone. We will assess your application when we have received all required documents.
  • Submit your documents on time. Learn more about deadlines and available programs.
  • All documents submitted in support of an application for admission in a language other than English or French must be accompanied by a certified translation.


  • Copies of transcripts submitted through uoDoc are not considered official. If you are admitted, you must submit your official transcripts with final grades.
  • Official transcripts must be printed and stamped with an official seal and sent by the issuing institution. We also accept copies certified by a notary, lawyer or commissioner of oaths.
  • Depending on your academic background and intended program, you might have to submit other documents to complete your application, such as a resum茅 or cover letter.
  • As part of the admission process, Ontario universities sometimes ask undergraduate applicants who were educated outside Canada to submit their official transcripts directly to  (WES) in order to determine the Canadian equivalencies of their academic credentials. If this is the case for you, we will notify you of the steps you need to take.

The University of Ottawa may request any other document necessary to evaluate your file. All documents become property of the University and will not be returned to applicants. You are responsible for ensuring that we receive all the requested documents by the deadline.

6. Understand transfer credits

If you have completed postsecondary studies, we might grant you transfer credits, depending on the program to which you apply. Faculties that grant transfer credits do so based on your discipline, the courses you have completed and the length of your studies.


  • To be eligible for an undergraduate degree at the University of Ottawa, you must complete at least 50% of your program (two years of full-time studies) at the University, regardless of the number of credits transferred.
  • You must present transcripts and course descriptions in order to receive transfer credits.
  • We only assess and grant transfer credits after you accept your offer of admission.

Advanced Placement

  • If you have taken Advanced Placement program (AP) courses, we might grant you transfer credits for AP courses in which you have achieved a score of at least 4 in your AP exam. We can grant you up to 30 units (credits), depending on the requirements of the program you have chosen.

International Baccalaureate

  • We can grant you trasnfer credit for higher level courses in which you have achieved a grade of 5. The transfer credits you receive depends on the requirements of the program you have chosen.

尝测肠茅别&苍产蝉辫;蹿谤补苍莽补颈蝉 outside Canada

For more on admission requirements for students from a lyc茅e fran莽ais, see France and French lyc茅e.

  • You can receive up to 18 units (six courses) of transfer credits for some first-year courses if you have achieved a grade of at least 12/20 (10/20 for French) in your baccalaureate exams. You will receive your transfer credits when we receive your baccalaureate result. 

GCE British curriculum

  • We do not grant transfer credits if you have followed the GCE British curriculum.

Discover our admissions events and campus tours

Don鈥檛 miss an opportunity to get your questions answered! Whether you need help choosing your program, finalizing your admission application, or have already applied and have questions, we鈥檝e got plenty of virtual opportunities for you to get the information you need, including campus tours. Visit our admission events page regularly for the most up-to-date information about our events.

Register for an event or take a campus tour
International Admission Events webpage

Contact information


Tabaret Hall ()
75 Laurier Avenue East, Room 109
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5

See wait times and  for all services or send us a request.

Stay connected

Continue to learn more about 新加坡时时彩 by joining our mailing list and connect with other future students online.

Helpful links

For admission to Common Law or Medicine, contact the faculties offering these programs. For graduate studies, contact the academic unit of the faculty offering the program you are applying to.