
The implementation of a new program involves several approval steps, both internal and external to the University of Ottawa.

The requirements and learning outcomes of a new program are fundamentally different from those of any other approved program of study already offered at the University of Ottawa.

In most cases, the creation of a new program follows the regular program creation process as described below. In rare cases, the expedited approval process may be used.


Find the most up-to-date templates here:

Approval process

All hands coming together

Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS)

Get support from our Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS) and learn more about the process, the steps and the timeline.

Additional information

For any questions regarding quality assurance, please contact:

Undergraduate program creation, modification or closure
脡lise Detellier
Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Affairs

Graduate program creation, modification or closure
Luciana Ion 
Office of the Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies