
Policy on Video Recording, Broadcasting and Picture Taking during Senate Meetings

Preamble :

The public is invited to the meetings of Senate that take place on University premises;

The University of Ottawa is committed to maintaining and operating with the highest norms of good governance and transparency;

Members of Senate are entitled to debate vigorously their points of view in a climate serene and free from intimidation;

Members of Senate and guests of Senate have a right to their own image and to be protected from the risk of undue, false of distorted recording and broadcasting of their own image.

Be it resolved :

1. In the present policy, the expression 芦 recording device 禄 includes any equipment that can be used to record either through photography, videotaping or audio recording, an image, a sound or a conversation and includes cellular phones and cameras.

2. Meetings of the Senate are fully recorded by equipment installed and operated by University personnel. The complete recording can be accessed on the University website.

3. In camera meetings are not recorded.

4. The approved minutes of a meeting of Senate are the only official recording of its decisions.

5. The private or unauthorized use of a recording device during a meeting of Senate is prohibited.

Approved by ballot March 2, 2009.