
PPM Framework

Information Technology
Information Technology
Laptop on table with mug
Information Technology developed a Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) framework to ensure that a standard IT project management process is followed, from project idea conception to delivery of the solution. The project delivery process is divided into a series of manageable phases with checkpoints or gates.

While the University’s Information Governance Council identifies which project ideas submitted by faculties and services will be funded, the Project Review Committee (PRC) follows up on the development of these ideas into projects and their implementation. 

The primary mission of the PRC is to serve as a gatekeeper for projects going through the Project Portfolio Management (PPM) framework, and to ensure quality control of the management process. When needed, they recommend escalations to IT governance. The committee also consults with project managers to do peer reviews of project deliverables. The PRC membership includes IT managers, the deputy CIO, senior directors from IT Solutions and IT Services & Infrastructure, the PPM manager, the vendor relations officer, and IT’s CAO. 

Representatives from different units that play a crucial role in project implementation are also invited to these meetings including - security, enterprise architecture, change management. Project managers are typically invited to these meetings to answer questions and address concerns. PRC meetings include discussion of the project management deliverables and artifacts (e.g. project charter, lessons learned), and review of projects facing obstacles.

The committee is positioned to be a support to project managers and a forum to discuss projects and areas of improvement as well as to address challenges.