
Academic Standing for Graduate Studies

C-4.1 Satisfactory academic standing

Students whose progress is unsatisfactory, or students who do not meet the requirements of their program, will be withdrawn from the program. Reasons for withdrawal include: 

  • two failures in the program, whether of courses, the major research paper, the comprehensive examination or the thesis proposal (unless otherwise specified in regulations specific to the program);  
  • two unsatisfactory progress reports during the program of study.

The performance requirements for the thesis are specified in the academic regulation governing theses.

C-4.2 Passing and failing grades

C-4.2.1 Passing grade for courses

The minimum passing grade for all graduate courses is C+ (including undergraduate courses taken for credit in graduate programs, qualifying program courses, and additional courses). Certain program regulations may require a higher grade.

C-4.2.2 Failure of a course, comprehensive exam, major research paper or thesis project 

Supplemental examinations are not allowed in graduate level courses (including in undergraduate courses taken for credit in graduate programs, qualifying program courses, or courses additional to the program requirements). 

If a student fails a course, the student may repeat the course or retake the comprehensive examination, revise and resubmit the thesis proposal or major research paper, or take another course specified by the academic unit. The failing grade will remain on the transcript even if the student successfully repeats the course, retakes the comprehensive examination, or resubmits the thesis proposal or major research paper, and will count as a first failure in the program.

This regulation does not apply to a thesis, which is governed by the academic regulation governing theses.

C-4.3 Progress reporting

Students enrolled in a program with thesis must make consistent progress in their studies and must document their progress by completing an annual progress report that details the previous year鈥檚 achievements and the objectives for the following year. Students must complete their progress reports in consultation with their thesis supervisor (or the thesis advisory committee, if applicable). Reports must be submitted for approval by the director of graduate studies (or equivalent) of the student鈥檚 program.

Students who receive two unsatisfactory progress reports during their studies shall be withdrawn from the program. 

Although students must complete a progress report at least once a year, they may be required to submit progress reports more frequently in specific cases, up to once per term, as specified by the director of graduate studies (or equivalent) of the student鈥檚 program, in consultation with the thesis supervisor (or the thesis advisory committee, if applicable). The student may also be required to submit a detailed study plan.