
Grading System

A-3.1. Official grading system

(Approved by the Senate on February 12, 2024, and effective May 1, 2024)
(Approved by the Senate on April 17, 2023, and effective May 1, 2023)
(Approved by the Senate on June 13, 2022, and effective on May 1, 2022)
(Approved by the Senate on October 19, 2020, and effective immediately)
(Approved by the Senate on February 26, 2017, and effective on May 1, 2017)
The University of Ottawa’s official grading system is alphanumeric. It must be applied to all courses except in cases approved by the University Senate. In some instances, for example, the expected learning outcomes of a course require a Satisfactory/Not satisfactory or a Pass/Fail grading scheme. 

Letter gradeNumeric valuePercentage value
A- 880-84
C+ 565-69
D+ 355-59

*Failure with the right to supplemental examination in certain faculties. This does not apply to graduate studies.

Other non-numerical grades – do not affect the student’s average

Letter gradeComment
CRCredited course 
NCNo units
NSNot satisfactory

Undergraduate courses

The minimum passing grade is D for all courses at the undergraduate level, except as explicitly stated below.

The passing grade is C for:

  • all undergraduate courses at the Faculty of Education 
  • all courses in the Undergraduate Medical Education Program (MED and CLI) 
  • all undergraduate courses in the Doctor of Pharmacy (PHA) program

The passing grade is C+ for:

  • all undergraduate nursing courses (NSG)
  • For accreditation purposes, some undergraduate nutrition and dietetic courses (NUT)

Graduate courses

The minimum passing grade is C+ for all courses at the graduate level, unless otherwise specified in the program’s regulations.

Note: The passing grades required in a course that includes students at more than one level are determined by each student’s level and not by the course level.

A-3.2. Grades

(Approved by the Senate on April 17, 2023, and effective May 1, 2023)

Grade point

The grade point represents a student's performance in a course and takes into account both the number of units as well as the numerical value of the letter grade.

To determine grade points, the number of units for the course is multiplied by the numerical value of the letter grade.

Final course grade

The final course grade is rounded up if the first decimal is 5 or higher, or down if the first decimal is 4 or lower.

A-3.3. Calculating averages

*This regulation does not apply to graduate programs

Cumulative grade point average (CGPA)

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) represents the student’s performance in all courses taken (successfully or not) by the student.

To calculate the cumulative grade point average (CGPA), the sum of all grade points is divided by the sum of all course units taken (successfully or not) by the student.

The CGPA is rounded to two decimal places.

Decimals are rounded up if the third decimal is 5 or higher, and down if the third decimal is 4 or lower.

Term grade point average (TGPA)

The term grade point average (TGPA) represents a student's overall performance in all courses in a given term.

To calculate the term grade point (TGPA) average, the sum of all grade points is divided by the sum of all course units taken by the student during the term.


Grade point averages take into account only those courses completed at the University of Ottawa, Saint Paul University, the Dominican University College and Carleton University.

For courses with supplemental exams, only the grade assigned after this exam is part of the grade point average calculation and is the only grade that appears on the transcript. However, a note on the transcript will indicate that this grade was obtained as a result of a supplemental exam.

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is set to zero when a student is admitted to a second bachelor’s program or to a professional program.

A-3.4. Grade report

(Approved by the Senate on February 28, 2017)

The grade report lists the student’s academic results for a university term. The grade report is available as soon as grades for a term become official.

If the grade report contains errors or omissions, the student must notify their home faculty within ninety (90) days following the date when grades become official. Otherwise, the grade report will remain unchanged.

A-3.5. Transcript

(Approved by the Senate on April 17, 2023, and effective May 1, 2023)

A transcript is an official document issued by the University.

The transcript lists all courses for which a student is officially enrolled at the University, all corresponding academic results, as well as all degrees, diplomas and certificates earned by the student.

A transcript that is issued to a student or to a third party authorized by the student will be marked "Issued to the student".

The group average and the number of students enrolled in the course are indicated on the transcript provided that at least six students are enrolled in the course.

A student with an outstanding balance or other financial obligations to the University cannot obtain a transcript.

A-3.6. List of symbols

(Approved by the Senate on April 17, 2023, and effective May 1, 2023)

ABS (Absent) – Symbol used when a student has not attended the course, has not submitted any assignments and has not advised the University that they wish to drop a course, within the time limits specified in the Important dates and deadlines schedule. This symbol is equivalent to a failing grade (F).
AUD (Auditor) - Symbol used when a student is enrolled as an auditor.
CR (Credited course) – Symbol used for a course taken with success at another institution and credited with the prior authorization of the student’s faculty. The course grade is not included in the grade point average calculation; only the units are indicated on the transcript.
CTN (Continuing) – Symbol used for a course or an activity which carries over into the next term.
DFR (Deferred) - Symbol used when the student has not completed the course requirements for a valid reason approved by their Faculty. The student will have to complete such requirements within a certain timeframe. If no mark has been received within that certain timeframe, the DFR symbol will be changed to EIN.

DR (Drop) – Symbol used when a student has dropped the course within the time limits specified in the Important dates and deadlines schedule. This symbol is not associated with a grade; therefore, it does not affect average calculations.
EIN (Failure/Incomplete) – Symbol used whenever a student has failed to complete one or more evaluations identified as mandatory in the course syllabus approved by the academic unit. Such symbol is equivalent to a failing grade (F).
Q (Advanced standing) – Symbol used for a course previously completed with success at another academic institution and recognized as part of the student’s program of study at the University of Ottawa.
NC (No units) – Symbol used when no units are associated with a course. This symbol has no numeric value and is not included in average calculation.
NNR (Mark not submitted) – Symbol used until a final mark has been filed with the Office of the Registrar.
NS (Not satisfactory) – Symbol used for a failed course that is not included in grade point average calculations.
P (Pass) – Symbol used to indicate success in an internship report submitted as part of the co-op education stream, a course, or an activity. This result is not included in grade point average calculations.
S (Satisfactory) – Symbol used for a successfully completed course that is not included in grade point average calculations.