
Graduate Research: Supervision and Ethics

C-5.1 Academic advice and mentoring

All academic units must ensure that students have access to appropriate academic advice and mentoring throughout their studies.

C-5.2 Thesis supervisor assignment and responsibilities

Before completing their second term of enrolment, students, with the support of their academic unit, if necessary, will find a thesis supervisor, or a thesis advisory committee. Some academic units may assign supervisors when students initially enrol.

The thesis supervisor (or thesis advisory committee) is responsible for supporting the student throughout their program, including in selecting their courses, formulating their research project, and preparing their major research paper or the thesis for final submission.

C-5.3 Absence of the thesis supervisor

Supervisors (or thesis advisory committee) are responsible for supervising their students. Supervisors who intend to be absent from the University for more than one month must make suitable arrangements with their students and the relevant academic unit to ensure that their students continue to be supervised during their absence.

C-5.4 Research ethics and deontology

University regulations and policies governing the ethical conduct of research apply to all research conducted by graduate students under the auspices of the University, regardless of whether the research is linked to their thesis or major research paper. It is the student鈥檚 responsibility to be aware of, and to comply with, the policies and regulations pertaining to research.

Research proposals and protocols involving human subjects must be evaluated and approved by the appropriate Research Ethics Board(s) before research begins. Approval from other relevant committees or authorities may also be required, as determined by the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation.