
Approved Administrative Committee 30.2



  1. Funds for the purchase and installation of bulletin boards are provided in the budget of the Faculty, School or Service concerned. Bulletin boards must be installed within space under the jurisdiction of the Faculty, School or Service concerned unless alternate arrangements has been made between the Deans and/or Directors of the units concerned.


  1. Bulletin Board, General Interest

    Refers to a conventional bulletin board upon which are posted printed and/or written information of potential interest to the University community overall. Ex.: socio-cultural activities, guest speakers, conferences, seminars, community services, etc...

    Bulletin Board, Restricted interest

    Refers to a conventional bulletin board upon which are posted printed and/or written announcements aimed at informing a specific group in a distinct area. Ex.: signage, notice of timetable changes, personal messages, etc..

    Electronic Board

    Refers to an electronic information board which transmits general and/or restricted information, in opposition to a video monitor.

    Video Information Monitor

    Refers to a video monitor which may transmit general and/or restricted information in an imaged form.

    Directory Board

    Refers to a board upon which are indicated directions, room numbers, their users and any other information which may guide visitors to their destination.

    Identification Plate

    Refers to a plate usually located besides the entrance of a room and indicating the room number and its user(s) or its designation.


Bulletin Boards, General Interest

  1. The Dean or Director concerned determines the number and site of bulletin boards and may, in exceptional circumstances, allow posting off the bulletin boards. Since these areas are aimed at general interest notices, the University Center Service should be advised of their location by contacting Info-campus.
  2. Info-campus controls bulletin boards and posting areas for general interest notices. Printed and/or written matter must bear the Info-campus seal before being put up. Info-campus must also ensure that the bulletin boards and posting areas in question are clearly identified.

Bulletin Boards, Restricted Interest 

  1. The Dean or Director concerned determines the number and site of restricted interest bulletin boards within the area under his jurisdiction.

Electronic Boards

  1. The Dean or the Director concerned determines the number and site of electronic boards as well as their content, while conforming to the code of ethics applicable at University of Ottawa.

Video Information Monitors

  1. The Dean or the Director concerned determines the number and site of video information monitors as well as their content, while conforming to the code of ethics applicable at University of Ottawa.

Directory Boards

  1. The Dean or Director concerned determines the number, the site as well as the bilingual text used in these boards.

Identification pannels

  1. These plates must be ordered through the Reprographic Services according to the established standards.
  2. Notices, announcements, posters, banners, etc. put up in locations other than those mentioned above will be removed by Physical Plant Services.


  1. Reprographic Services are respon颅sible for the lettering on directory boards. (See Policy No. 79).


    1. Covered Section

      The use of this section is determined by the Vice-Rector, Administration.

      Planning and Construction Ser颅vices are responsible for changing its contents, e.g. campus map, upon receiving an offical request from the Vice-Rector, Administration.

    2. Notice Board 鈥 Covered Section

      Student Services are responsible for the use and control of this section.

    3. Notice Board 鈥 Uncovered Section 

      Anyone may post notices in this section.


  1. No exception may be made to this Policy without the written consent of the Administrative Committee.

Revised September 14, 1987

(Physical Resources Service)