
Audio-Visual and Reprography Service (AVRS)

Approved Administrative Committee 1095.6



  1. The mandate of the Audio-Visual and Reprography Service is to provide centralized audio-visual and reprography services to the university community. The primary purpose of these services is to support teaching and research; in addition, they provide for the needs of administrative and other sectors of the University. The Service is responsible for keeping up to date with new developments in audio-visual, reprographic, and instructional technology.
    1. The mandate of the Media Production Section is to produce instructional and promotional documents in the areas of graphic arts, photography and multimedia production. (Policy 82a)
    2. The mandate of the Audio-Visual Distribution and Technical Section is to lend, repair, maintain and install audio-visual and office equipment for the university community, and to maintain stocks of audio-visual and technical materials. (Policy 82b)
    3. The mandate of Forms Management and Reprography is to design and manage administrative forms and to ensure the sound management of the reprography satellites to meet the needs of the university community. (Policy 82c and Policy 82d)
  2. The main advisory body for the Audio-Visual and Reprography Service is the Media Services Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Teaching. This Subcommittee advises the media services across the University on present and future needs, on policies and regulations, and on future development. Is is composed of the Director of the Centre for University Teaching, the Director of the Audio-Visual and Reprography Service, the Director of the Service for Continuing Education, representatives from the Audio-Visual Distribution and Technical Section, the Media Library, the Education Technology Service, the Medical Communication Service, the Department of Communication and Visual Arts, and the Computing and Communications Services, and five members of the full-time teaching staff. Other representatives may be invited.
  3. In carrying out its mandate, the Audio-Visual and Reprography Service maintains close contact with the Centre for University Teaching. This is in accordance with the Centre's mandate to maintain and disseminate information on instructional technology, including audio-visual and other media services, and to co-ordinate all instruction in the use of audio-visual equipment for University teaching personnel.


  1. The Audio-Visual and Reprography Service applies the following priorities when allocating services and available resources:
    1. Credited academic programmes (courses listed in approved university calendars).
    2. Non-credited academic programmes.
    3. Research projects approved by the University.
    4. Administrative activities of the University.
    5. Duly certified student assignments for the granting of academic credits (particularly in relation to graduate studies).
    6. Conferences, meetings, as well as social and cultural events sponsored by the University or by recognized campus organizations.
    7. Community projects sponsored by off-campus groups in collaboration with the University.
    8. Assignments for off-campus users.
  2.  The procedures relative to the Audio-Visual and Reprography Service are part of the Procedures Manual under code Audio-Visual and Reprography 12-1, 12-2 and 12-3.


  1.  No exception may be made to this policy without review by the Senate Committee on Teaching and the written consent of the Administrative Committee. In particular, no change to the order of priorities listed in 4 above may be made without the approval of the Senate Committee on Teaching. All requests for exceptions are to be forwarded by the Director of the Audio-Visual and Reprography Service.

    Revised April 8, 1992

    (Computing and Communications Services)