
Services provided by the Translation Office

Date effective: 1987-12-07

Authorized by: Secretary of the University



  1. This procedure describes the various services provided by the Translation Office, the eligibility requirements for access to these services, as well as the terms and conditions governing their provision.


  1. Policy No. 106 Translation Office must be taken into consideration in the reading and application of this procedure.


    1. Over-the-phone consultation.  The entire university community may use this service (see no. 11).
    2. Translation, editing and writing assistance services.  Only the following texts, written on behalf of the University, may be sent to the Translation Office.
      1. Newspaper announcements
        1. employment offers
        2. calls for tenders
        3. courses, programs
      2. Calendars, brochures, and pamphlets for wide distribution 
      3. Signs, placards, and notices posted by the University and its units
      4. Forms
      5. Contracts, agreements, and terms and conditions that have been approved by the proper authorities
      6. Form letters
        1. replies to applications for admission or employment
        2. certification of academic standards
        3. reminders and collection notices
      7. Administrative and academic policies and procedures
      8. Circulars and memoranda for wide distribution
      9. Newsletters and bulletins prepared by the employees for the employees, for example those of the support staff advisory committees
    3. The Translation Office does not translate:
      1. Texts that are personal in nature
      2. Texts prepared by outside organizations
      3. Examinations, tests, and course material


  1. In general, the Translation Office processes requests according to the order in which they arrive.  However, the Office reserves the right to make exceptions to this rule if circumstances so require.  (Example:  texts for newspaper ads, policies and procedures whose implementation and distribution are fairly urgent.) 
  2. Users are responsible for setting aside the necessary translation and editing time in the production of their texts.The following minimum turnaround times (in working days) apply; typing is included.

    • less than one (1) page, double-spaced ........... 1
    • one (1) double-spaced page .................... 1 to 2
    • one (1) to three (3) pages, double-spaced .... 2 to 3
    • three (3) to five (5) pages, double-spaced .... 2 to 4
    • five (5) to eight (8) pages, double-spaced .... 3 to 7
    • eight (8) to ten (10) pages, double-spaced .... 5 to 10
    • ten (10) pages or more, double-spaced ........... 7 and + (depending on length)

     The Translation Office's ability to meet these deadlines depends on its overall workload when the text arrives.


  1. Users must fully complete the request form, which can be obtained through the Translation Office.
    1. The request form should be accompanied by not only the text to be translated or revised but also by any related documents, if any exist. Examples:
      1. translations of similar texts;
      2. existing translations of passages in the text;
      3. for correspondence, a copy of the letter being answered;
      4. pertinent vocabulary;
      5. the meaning of the acronyms in the text;
      6. sources of quotes;
      7. the official bilingual titles of organizations, where applicable.
    2. Texts must be TYPEWRITTEN, and when sent in for editing, must be double- or triple-spaced.
  3. Sending the document. Once the above conditions have been met, the text may simply be forwarded to the Translation Office.

    NOTE: It is strongly recommended that units advise the Translation Office by telephone of incoming work, especially if the text is lengthy. This will allow the Office to plan accordingly and as such meet the user's deadline more easily.

  4. When the work has been completed, the Translation Office calls the unit concerned to arrange for delivery.
  5. Changing the translation or revision. It is important to advise the Translation Office of changes made to its work. The reasons for this are:
    1. the Office can take note of specific usages for future work it carries out for the same unit and of the reference works supporting these changes.
    2. the Office could correct any errors in style or grammar that appear in the changes.
      The Translation Office is not responsible for changes that units make on their own in the original translation.


  1. Employees who call the Office for information on terminology or language in general must:
    1. give their name, organization or unit, and telephone number;
    2. provide a context or a definition for the word in question.
  2. As much as possible, the Translation Office answers inquiries immediately and, at the latest, before the end of the day.
  3. The caller may be referred to other linguistic services which can provide a speedier answer to the question.
  4. The Translation Office does not translate entire paragraphs over the telephone.


  1. The Translation Office sometimes calls upon free-lance translators to translate eligible texts, especially when its workload is heavy or when a text is highly technical or specialized. In these cases, the free-lance fees are covered by the Translation Office. The work is reviewed by the Translation Office personnel.
  2. Ineligible texts - Access to free-lance translators. Persons and organizations who are not eligible for the Office's free services can however obtain the name of a free-lance translator from the Office and deal with this person directly.


  1. No exception may be made to this Procedure without the written consent of the Secretary of the University.

Published December 7, 1987

(Language Services)