
Potential occupations

Universities studies lead to multiple occupations. Furthermore, certain professions require talent, special aptitudes, additional skills and experience beyond degrees themselves. By targeting a profession, it can make decisions easier during your schooling, throughout your job search and, finally, when choosing among job offers. The choices can change over time based on academic, personal, and professional paths and on the knowledge of occupations and of the labour market.

In order to list your choices, visit the  website and, using the National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes, view job postings, wages, employment prospects and other important information that can help you make a decision. If need be, additional and complementary information can be found via two online career exploration tools ( and )* also designed to facilitate your career advancement. The occupations found below are examples derived from the .

Occupations related to this program

Technical occupations related to museums and art galleries

  • Art gallery preparatory
  • Chief preparatory
  • Curatorial assistant
  • Museum interpreter

Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations

  • Museum educator
  • Publicist

Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers

  • Display designer
  • Museum exhibit designer

Painters, sculptors and other visual artists

  • Artist
  • Art teacher


  • Art critic

College and other vocational instructors

  • Art teacher, college

Conservators and curators

  • Conservator

Conservators and curators

  • Curator


  • Fine arts archivist

Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers

  • Art gallery manager
  • Museum manager

Volunteer opportunities

In addition to providing an opportunity to apply theories and knowledge learned during your university studies outside the classroom, in real world situations, volunteering is a way to help the community and its many organizations. The also allows students to contribute to their community by participating in projects that are related to their program of study.

Potential employers

The following examples of employers can offer internships or employment opportunities related to students program of studies.

  • Arta Gallery
  • Canada Council for the Arts
  • Canadian Heritage - CH
  • Canadian Museum of Civilization
  • National Arts Centre - NAC
  • National Gallery of Canada - NGC
  • Ottawa Art Gallery
  • Art Gallery of Hamilton
  • Art Gallery of Ontario - AGO
  • Art Gallery of Peterborough
  • Harbourfront Centre
  • John Wiley & Sons
  • Royal Ontario Museum - ROM
  • Thunder Bay Museum
  • Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute
  • Conseil des arts et des lettres du Qu茅bec - CALQ
  • Ex Machina
  • Montr茅al, arts interculturels - MAI
  • Mus茅e dart contemporain de Montr茅al
  • Mus茅e national des beaux-arts du Qu茅bec
  • National Film Board of Canada - NFB
  • Alliance jobs for Arts and Culture
  • Art Gallery of Alberta - AGA
  • Banff Centre
  • Calgary Arts Development
  • Manitoba Conservatory of Music and Arts
  • Saskatchewan Arts Board
  • Vancouver Art Gallery

Professional organizations

Examples of professional organizations, presented by location, provide essential information on professional development opportunities and networking activities, the examples can also provide access to publications and job opportunities.

  • Alliance for Arts and Culture
  • Arts Dealers Associaton of Canada - ADAC
  • Canadian Arts Presenting Association
  • Canadian Association for Conservation - CAC
  • Canadian Association for Photographic Art - CAPA
  • Canadian Conference of the Arts - CCA
  • Canadian Historical Association
  • Canadian Library Association
  • Canadian Museums Association - CMA
  • Conseil des arts de Montr茅al
  • Conseil qu茅b茅cois du patrimoine vivant - CQPV
  • Cultural Human Resources Council
  • Ontario Arts Council - OAC
  • Ontario Association of Art Galleries
  • Soci茅t茅 des mus茅es qu茅b茅cois - SMQ
  • Universities Art Association of Canada 

Date modified: 2023-06-23