
People walking outside around campus.

Waiting lines and appointments

Make the most of your waiting time. Join a virtual line and manage your time the way you want with remote notifications. You can also book an appointment online.

Virtual waiting lines: step by step

  1. Join a virtual line remotely.
  2. Wait wherever you want.
  3. Receive wait time notifications on your mobile device.
  4. Be notified when it's your time to be served.
Students walking around campus.

While you wait

Text us one of these letters as necessary:

  • H - Help with the list of available functions.
  • - Leave the line.
  • - Request more time.
  • - Check your place in the line (status).
  • N# - Request to be notified [number of minutes] before you'll be served (example: text N10 to get a notification 10 minutes before you'll be served).
  • J - Re-join the line if you accidentally leave it.
Students studying at picnic table outside.

Virtual lines by faculty or service

Select one of the available locations to get in line or book an appointment.


Privacy statement

The University of Ottawa's virtual line system uses a secure application called QLess. All information collected by QLess is stored in Canada.