
Jeremy Kerr
Jeremy T. Kerr
Full Professor

GNN 373
(613) 562-5800 ext. 5749

Department of Biology


The world has entered a period of mass extinctions that must be halted. Dr. Kerr's primary research seeks to discover specific causes for biodiversity decline and degradation of ecosystem function. An integral part of this work involves discovering how the environment affects biodiversity. This approach integrates remote sensing tools, field ecology, and computer-based models and has led to major discoveries around endangered species conservation, climate change impacts on biodiversity, and fundamental determinants of biodiversity for virtually all species. These discoveries have been used to improve conservation activities by resource extraction industries as well as in National Parks, among other areas.

Selected publications

  • Kerr J. T., Pindar A, Galpern P, Packer L, Roberts SM, Rasmont P, Schweiger O, Colla SR, Richardson LL, Wagner DL, Gall LF, Sikes DS, Pantoja A. 2015. Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents. Science 349: 177-180.
  • Acheson, E. S., A. Plowright, and J. T. Kerr. 2015. Where have all the mosquito nets gone? Spatial modelling reveals mosquito net distributions across Tanzania do not target optimal Anopheles mosquito habitats. Malaria Journal 14: 322.
  • Robillard, C., L. Coristine, R. Soares, and J. T. Kerr. 2015. Facilitating climate change-induced range shifts through a continental land use barrier. Conservation Biology 
  • Boucher-Lalonde, V., J. T. Kerr, and D. J. Currie. 2014. Does climate limit species richness by limiting individual species' ranges? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2695
  • Kharouba, H. M., S. Paquette, J. T. Kerr, and M. Vellend. 2014. Predicting the sensitivity of butterfly phenology over the past century. Global Change Biology 20: 504-514.

Research interests

  • Behavior
  • Ecology and systematics
  • Macroecology
  • Global change
  • Remote sensing
  • Conservation biology
  • Biodiversity