
Prof. Maxim V. Berezovski
Maxim V. Berezovski
Full Professor

DRO 201
(613) 562-5800 ext. 1898

Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences


Dr. Berezovski's lab focuses on several research areas: (1) Kinetic Capillary Electrophoresis (KCE) and the development of new methods for analysis of biomolecules and biomolecular interactions (Bioanalytical Chemistry); (2) the selection and application of nucleic acid and peptide aptamers in therapeutic and diagnostic purposes (Biopharmaceuticals & biosensors); (3) the biomarker discovery for cancer and immune cells (Biomarkers).

Selected publications

  • Mironov, G.G., Bouzekri, A., Watson, J., Loboda, O., Ornatsky, O., Berezovski, M.V. (2018) Aptamer-facilitated mass cytometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 410 (13), 3047-3051.
  • Mironov, G.G., Clouthier, C.M., Akbar, A., Keillor, J.W., Berezovski, M.V. (2016) Simultaneous Analysis of Enzyme Structure and Activity by Kinetic CE-MS. Nature Chemical Biology, 12(11), 918-922.
  • Zamay, G. S., Kolovskaya, O. S., Zamay, T. N., Glazyrin, Y. E., Krat, A. V., Zubkova, O., Spivak, E., Wehbe, M., Gargaun, A., Muharemagic, D., Komarova, M., Grigorieva, V., Savchenko, A., Modestov, A. A., Berezovski, M. V., Zamay, A. S. (2015). Aptamers Selected to Postoperative Lung Adenocarcinoma Detect Circulating Tumor Cells in Human Blood. Molecular Therapy, 23(9), 1486鈥1496.
  • Muharemagic, D., Zamay, A., Ghobadloo, S. M., Evgin, L., Savitskaya, A., Bell, J. C., Berezovski, M. V. (2014). Aptamer-facilitated Protection of Oncolytic Virus from Neutralizing Antibodies. Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, 3, e167.
  • Labib, M., Khan, N., Ghobadloo, S. M., Cheng, J., Pezacki, J. P., Berezovski, M. V. (2013). Three-mode electrochemical sensing of ultralow microRNA levels. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135, 3027-38.

Research interests

  • Analytical chemistry
  • Aptamers
  • Bioanalytical chemistry
  • Biomolecular interactions
  • Biomarkers
  • Biosensors
  • Capillary electrophoresis
  • Single cell analysis