
The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (CVRRI) of the University of Ottawa, in conjunction with the Institut du Savoir Montfort (ISM), is inviting internal applications for a Research Chair in Health (Ontario Francophonie).

Status: Open

In the winter of 2019, the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (OVPRI) created the program “Chaires de Recherche sur le Monde Francophone” (CRMF). The program is one of the most important research initiatives on Ontarian, Canadian and international Francophonies and on the realities of the Francophone world.

In addition to undertaking a research program and overseeing organization of research activities linked to chair objectives, the chairholder must actively participate in the Collège des chaires de recherche du monde francophone (CCRMF) and the Institut du Savoir Monfort (ISM) and work to disseminate, develop and promote research on the Francophonie and realities of the Francophone world.

The chairs’ scope will be determined, first and foremost, by the chairholders’ areas of research, and must be consistent with the planned areas of research mentioned below, as well as the the University’s Strategic Areas of Research. Chairholders must be regular University of Ottawa professors.

Each chair must have a clear objective regarding study, analysis and interpretation of one or several aspects of the Francophonie. It must fully dedicate the resources of the program to research, organization of research activities and dissemination of knowledge and research on the francophone world. Francophone-related matters cannot be a minor research consideration or restricted to administrative areas.

Each CRMF chairholder must submit an annual report as well as a five-year report on activities, benefits and promotion of the work of his or her chair to the director of the Collège des Chaires, the Dean of his or her faculty and the Vice-President, Research and Innovation.

The planned areas of research will explore the issues and challenges in the health sector, particularly as they relate to Francophones in Ontario.

The “Chaires de Recherche sur le Monde Francophone” have a five-year term, which can be renewed only once, subject to the recommendation from their faculty dean, from the program steering committee, which will include ISM representatives, and the University of Ottawa’s Research Chairs Evaluation Committee.

The Chairholder will receive an annual allocation of $50,000 in research funds for the duration of their mandate (25 000$ from OVPRI and 25 000$ from ISM).

This call for nominations is open to regular professors of the University of Ottawa.

Individuals who have previously held a Research Chair on the Canadian Francophonie, or any other research chair funded by the University of Ottawa (for example: University Research Chair or Distinguished Research Chair) are not eligible under the CRMF program. In addition, individuals who currently hold any other research chair at the University of Ottawa (for example: Endowed Chair, Canada Research Chair) or by the Institut du Savoir Montfort, are not eligible under the CRMF program.

In addition, individuals who currently hold any other research chair at the University of Ottawa (for example: Endowed Chair, Canada Research Chair) are not eligible for the CRMF during their term.

Nomination packages must be submitted to the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation: [email protected].

In order to avoid any conflict of interest, please ensure that the potential reviewers listed in the application:

  • are not affiliated in any way with the University of Ottawa (including hospitals and research institutes);
  • have no personal relationship with the nominee (including close friend, relative, former PhD or postdoctoral supervisor, mentor, a student previously under the nominee's supervision);
  • have not collaborated, published or shared funding with the nominee in the last six years, or have no plans to do so in the immediate future;
  • are not involved in the proposed program of research; and
  • are not in a position to gain or lose financially/materially from the outcome of the nomination.

CRMF chairholders may be eligible for teaching release of a one-semester course as negotiated with the Dean of the Faculty.

The University provides two additional years from the end date of the chair to expend any residual funds remaining in the research account. No extension will be granted beyond this period.