
Jennifer Boudewyn - Explore, acrylic and oil pastel on board

Holiday Greeting Card Contest

Every year during the holiday season, the University of Ottawa鈥檚 Vice-President, Research and Innovation sends hundreds of holiday greeting cards. Enter our contest for a chance to win $2,000 and have your work of art on the cover of the 2023 cards!

The theme of the contest is innovation. The works submitted must represent what innovation means to you.

The winning work is purchased by the University for $2,000.

Full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Ottawa are invited to submit photos of a maximum of three original works of art that they created and still own.

Works can be drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, etc. All participants are asked to send their files in jpg, png or pdf format and a short paragraph explaining how their works illustrate innovation to [email protected] no later than Friday, October 27, 2023.

2023 winning artwork

Anna Mikhailov, Diversity in innovation 2023, Digital Artwork

Winning artwork 2023, Digital Artwork
Anna Mikhailov, Diversity in innovation 2023, Digital Artwork
OVPRI Launch

Mark Kravchenko

Launch, 2022, Digital photo montage
Saige Krofchick painting

Saige Krofchick

Saige Krofchick, Together, 6" x 7", acrylic on paper, 2021 winner