
Donate to the Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health addresses health disparities observed among people from Black communities, deficiencies in training for health professionals and research, and gaps in care and public health policy concerning them.

We are more than grateful to all our donors and partners, including the University of Ottawa. However, gifts received from individual donors are extremely important to help us fund our activities and advance scientific research on Black health in Canada.   

Your gifts will support a range of activities while making a difference when it comes to the real needs associated to the health of Black communities across Canada.  

Thank you for supporting our work to eliminate barriers and health disparities for Black communities in Canada. 

Donation by Credit Card 

If you would like to make a quick tax-deductible donation by credit card, you can use the secure University of Ottawa web form by clicking  

You can also specify how you would prefer your donation to be used or allow us to do it at our discretion. 

Thinking About Donating? 

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us at鈥[email protected]

Thank you for your donations!

Contact for additional information

Dr. Jude Mary C茅nat
Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health  

Tel: (613) 562-5800 (2417)  
Email: [email protected]