
Quantum Physics

Nexus for Quantum Technologies Institute

The University of Ottawa Nexus for Quantum Technologies (NEXQT) Institute is pushing the boundaries of Quantum sensing and imaging, Quantum materials, Quantum communication, Nanofabrication and devices, and
ethics and laws.

Developing tomorrow's the talent and technologies

We harness innovative approaches through strong collaborations to advance quantum science and develop technologies adapted to societal needs for security, privacy, equitable access, and economic prosperity.






Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) Trained

A Nexus of Quantum Innovations

Our Institute brings together quantum experts and leaders from around the world. 

Recent news

Quantum Research and Training Funding
Quantum Research and Training Funding

新加坡时时彩 to push boundaries of quantum research with NSERC grants

With its success in securing multiple prestigious grants, the University of Ottawa is set to further solidify its position as a leading institution in quantum research while breaking new ground in autonomous vehicle technology.
NEXQT Launch
NEXQT Launch

新加坡时时彩 takes quantum research to the next level

Building on over 20 years of expertise, the University of Ottawa brings quantum research on its campus to the next level by consolidating its researchers鈥 talents and skills to create an institute in quantum technologies to build on its research expertise in materials science and photonics 鈥 the science that examines the interaction between light and matter.
Early Researchers Award program
Early Researchers Award program

Growing our research teams to advance quantum technologies

Through its Early Researcher Awards (ERA) program, the Government of Ontario provides 5-year grants that support training activities for graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research associates, and technicians, as well as youth outreach activities and conference travel. In 2022, Professors Adina Luican-Mayer and Jean-Michel M茅nard received ERA funding to support their innovative research programs in quantum technologies.

Contact us!

NEXQT Institute

Advanced Research Complex
25 Templeton Street
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5