
A cotutelle program allows you to complete your doctoral studies at the University of Ottawa and at another international university. A cotutelle aims to enrich your academic experience through research collaboration opportunities that will expose you to fresh perspectives and rich cultural experiences in two different universities.

A revitalization initiative for the cotutelle program was undertaken in 2023-2024. The process and new eligibility criteria listed on this page are in effect for any new doctoral cotutelle applications as of June 1st 2024.

What is a cotutelle?

A cotutelle is a customized program of doctoral study developed jointly by two universities for a student in which the requirements of each university鈥檚 doctoral program are upheld. The student working with supervisors at each university prepares a single thesis which is then examined by an evaluation committee whose members are drawn from both universities. The student is awarded two degrees, with a mention indicating that the student completed his or her program under cotutelle arrangements.

A cotutelle program refers to a bilateral enrolment agreement in two doctoral programs at two universities, the home university and the partner university.

Other international research mobility options

Other mechanisms are in place to promote international research mobility at the doctoral level, such as:

Cotutelle eligibility

All doctoral students duly admitted to a doctoral program at the University of Ottawa or at a recognized partner university may initiate a cotutelle if the following eligibility criteria are met.

The doctoral student who wants to be admitted to a cotutelle must:

  • have an admission average of at least 8.0;
  • accept the responsibilities and risks of engaging in such an agreement;
  • not have completed more than three terms in the initial doctoral program.

The thesis supervisors committed to supervising the doctoral student at the home university and at the partner university must:

  • demonstrate that a research collaboration is already established between them, including joint research achievements, and preferably previous joint supervision of students;
  • indicate the mechanisms that will be implemented to ensure a quality joint supervision;
  • demonstrate the strategic choice of this collaboration, which promotes the achievement of the University of Ottawa鈥檚 graduate studies, international and research objectives;
  • clearly indicate the advantage offered by a cotutelle compared to other mechanisms such as those mentioned above.

Once the cotutelle agreement is signed, the following conditions must be met until completion of both degrees.

  • The doctoral student must continue to be registered full-time each term in the two doctoral programs, be in good academic standing and fulfill the requirements of the doctoral programs at both universities.
  • The thesis supervisors committed to supervising the doctoral student at the home university and at the partner university must supervise the student according to the provisions of the signed cotutelle agreement.
  • If the University of Ottawa is the partner university, the doctoral student will need to spend at least three (3) terms at the University of Ottawa. These terms may or may not be consecutive and tuition fees must be paid at the University of Ottawa for each of these terms.
  • If the University of Ottawa is the home university, the doctoral student will need to spend at least six (6) terms at the University of Ottawa. These terms may or may not be consecutive and tuition fees must be paid at the University of Ottawa for each of these terms. When  the University of Ottawa is the home university, cotutelle fees will apply for each term that the doctoral student spends at the partner university.

The same conditions listed above also apply to doctoral students enrolled at another university who wish to complete a cotutelle with the University of Ottawa (partner university). In addition, these students must be admitted into a doctoral program at the University of Ottawa. 


If you are interested in a cotutelle and you are already registered in a doctoral program at the University of Ottawa:

1. Consult your thesis supervisor at the University of Ottawa to determine whether a cotutelle is the best option for you.

2. Ensure that you and your thesis supervisor meet the above eligibility criteria.

3. Check with your desired partner university to see if it accepts cotutelle applications. You must have the support of a thesis supervisor at the partner university and be admitted to one of their doctoral programs in order to pursue a cotutelle.

4. Complete the Letter of Intent For Developing a Cotutelle Agreement at the University of Ottawa and submit it for approval to the Graduate Studies Office of your home faculty at the University of Ottawa.

5. Once the letter of intent is approved by the faculty's vice dean graduate studies, a cotutelle agreement will be negotiated with the partner university. Once this agreement has been signed, your cotutelle will come into effect.

If you are interested in a cotutelle at University of Ottawa and you are already admitted in a doctoral program at another university outside of Canada:

1. Consult your thesis supervisor at your home university to determine whether a cotutelle is the best option for you.

2. Ensure that you and your thesis supervisor meet the above eligibility criteria.

3. Check whether your university is recognized by the University of Ottawa by contacting the Graduate Studies Office of the faculty in which your program of study is based. You must have the support of a thesis supervisor at the University of Ottawa and be admitted to one of the doctoral programs here in order to pursue a cotutelle.

4. Complete the Letter of Intent For Developing a Cotutelle Agreement at the University of Ottawa and submit it for approval to the Graduate Studies Office of your home faculty at the University of Ottawa.

5. Once the letter of intent is approved by the faculty's vice-dean graduate studies, a cotutelle agreement will be negotiated with the partner university. Once this agreement has been signed, your cotutelle will come into effect. 

Awards and financial support

Your faculty may offer you financial support during your registration in the program. For information on financial support opportunities, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies of your faculty as well as the Awards and Financial Support webpage.

As of May 1st, 2024, doctoral cotutelle students with the University of Ottawa as their home university are eligible to apply for the PhD Student International Research Scholarship.

Frequently asked questions