
Information to collect before contacting a potential supervisor

What to do prior to contacting a potential supervisor.

Prior to contacting a potential supervisor, the student should:

  • Find out as much as possible about preparing a thesis.
  • Talk to the interim supervisor and other professors in the academic unit about the area of interest and who would be a good match.
  • The student should check with the academic unit that potential supervisors are authorized to supervise thesis. The student should have this information before approaching them.
  • Talk with other students.
  • Read the scholarly publications of potential thesis supervisors to see if their field of research and methods are tailored to the topic or project the student has in mind. Also read thesis or student papers they have already supervised.
  • Read research papers or theses written by students who have been supervised by the potential supervisor.
  • Find out what research infrastructure (laboratories or other facilities) a potential supervisor has.
  • Take a course or attend a seminar the potential supervisor is giving.
  • Make a list of questions to ask during the interview with the potential supervisor and points to be addressed.
  • When meeting with a potential supervisor, the student should make sure to come prepared with as much information as possible about the topic of interest.