
Approved Administrative Committee 292.3


  1. The Reprography Section, through the operation of divisional satellites, provides the university community with typesetting, printing, duplicating and photocopying services. Through its contract coordinating services, the Reprography Section coordinates negotiated contracts for typesetting, large-scale photocopying, stationery, and printing, so as to ensure that the University's graphic standards are met, and that suppliers meet the requirements of contracts negotiated in accordance with Policy 36.
  2. In carrying out its mandate, the Reprography Section is advised by the Media Services Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Teaching, and maintains a liaison with the Centre for University Teaching as detailed in articles 2 and 3 of Policy 82.


  1. The Reprography Section provides request coordinating services for typesetting, photocopying and printing.
  2. Photocopying services can be obtained at the satellites of the Reprography Section.
  3. Confidentiality of work undertaken is guaranteed when appropriate steps have been taken as per Procedure 12-3 Reprography Section.
  4. During peak periods, the Reprography Section reserves the right to establish schedules and priorities in consultation with users when necessary.
  5.  Reprography Section will seek to satisfy users' needs in coordinating services for contracts and its existing central satellite operations. It may establish additional satellite operations when considered necessary.


  1. The services provided and the requisitioning procedures are described in Procedure 12-3, Reprography Section.
  2. The Reprography Section must approve the purchase or rental of all reprographic material, accessories and any related supplies. The procurement of all reprographic equipment and related materials is subject to prior needs analysis by the Reprography Section. For greater efficiency and economy, the number of photocopiers in use throughout the University should be kept to a minimum, and optimum use should be made of the satellite facilities operated by the Reprography Section, or the supplier under contracts negotiated by the University. A period of 6 to 8 weeks is needed to analyse needs, analyse and compare the equipment, obtain quotations from suppliers, recommend equipment to users, place the orders, move the old equipment, and deliver and install the new equipment.
  3. Any requisition that involves an expenditure of funds must be approved by the faculty, school or service initiating the demand. The signature of the signing authority must match the specimen signature list supplied to the Reprography Section. (See Policy 64)


  1. Charges for reprographic services include the following:
    1. salary and fringe benefits of employees of the Reprography Section;
    2. materials used;
    3. depreciation of equipment;
    4. administrative fees;
    5. federal and provincial sales taxes, where applicable. (See Procedure Finance 16-6)
  2. A price list for photocopying and duplicating work will be provided upon request.
  3. The Reprography Section will revise its price list when necessary, with the approval of the Vice-Rector, Academic.
  4. When the Reprography Section authorizes loans of reprographic equipment, such equipment remains under the jurisdiction and control of the Reprography Section. The borrower is personally responsible for the equipment until it is returned. Accordingly, the following conditions apply:
    1. the person approving the request is considered responsible for the loan;
    2. should a borrowed machine be lost, the borrower must make compensation for the loss to the Reprography Section;
    3. in case of damage to a machine, the borrower is held responsible and will be required to pay the full cost of repairs.


  1. It is the responsibility of the Reprography Section to make appropriate recommendations to ensure optimum use of human resources available for the operation of reprographic equipment.


  1. No exception to this policy may be made without the written consent of the Vice-Rector, Academic.

Revised April 8, 1992

(Computing and Communications Services)