
Allocation and Utilization of University Facilities

Approved Administrative Committee 567.2



  1. To ensure an efficient and effective planning and management of space based on University priorities.


  1. All space belongs to the University. The Rector of the University has an obligation to provide students, academic personnel, and administrative personnel staff with suitable space to carry out University-approved activities.

    To do so, the University assigns blocks of space or entire buildings to faculties or services for their use and proper management; however, the University, at its discretion, can reclaim and reallocate space as deemed necessary to meet changing needs and priorities. Faculties and services have a responsibility to manage their space allocation in a manner which responds to the changing needs and demands of their various disciplines and units and in a manner which complies with me and the University policies and guidelines.

  2. In addition to policies and guidelines, the University relies on the University community at large to identify underutilized space and suggestions for improved utilization of space.

    Guidelines for Allocation of Office Space for Academic Staff


  1. Space will be managed through a University Space Planning and Management Committee and through faculty/service space planning and management committees.
  2. The University Space Planning and Management Committee will recommend to the Administrative Committee policies and standards regarding space allocation and management. In addition to taking into account enrolments, faculty complements, provincial space criteria, and other factors, the University Space Planning and Management Committee will review the current utilization of space by faculty/service, analyse requests for space, and make recommendations to the Administrative Committee concerning the reallocation of space.
  3. The faculties/services are required to have in place space planning and management committees responsible for reviewing and modifying where necessary the allocation of assigned space between disciplines and between uses other than classroom (i.e. academic, administrative, student, and other) based on changing faculty needs and priorities. The faculty/service planning and management committee will ensure compliance with University space policies and establish faculty-service-specific policies where necessary to ensure effective management of space. The faculty/service planning and management committee will also be responsible for addressing reductions in space allocations where so requested by the Administrative Committee.

    When the faculty planning and management committee is unable to reach a decision or when a space conflict arises between departments, the Dean shall be requested to take the final decision.

  4. The University will maintain a professional space planning service within Physical Resources Service available to assist faculties and services in establishing and maintaining effective space planning and management committees. The University Space Planner will attend faculty/service planning and management committees as requested.
  5. Classrooms (including seminar rooms) are a central resource managed by the Associate Registrar. The Office of the Registrar shall maintain a central inventory of classrooms and seminar rooms and their utilization.
  6. Physical Resources Service is responsible for maintaining the University's overall space inventory.
  7. Materials Management Services (MMS) is responsible for ensuring that the terms of any agreement with a third party are in compliance with University requirements.


  1. It is generally expected that space requirements for new activities within a faculty or service will be managed by faculties and services from within their current space allocation. All requests must therefore be dealt with first by the faculty/service planning and management committee. Only requirements for significant additions of space will be considered by the University Space Planning and Management Committee.
  2. Requests for additional space will be forwarded to the University Space Planner by the Dean of a faculty or Director of a service. A summary of the analysis made by the faculty/service space planning and management committee will accompany the request. The faculty or service will have to demonstrate why a reallocation of space is not possible.
  3. The University receives a large number of requests for additional space and cannot address them all; consequently, requests must be assigned an order of priority. The Space Planner will seek input from members of the Administrative Committee as to the priority to be assigned and from the Office of Institutional Research and Planning on matters relating to provincial standards, enrolments, linkages with other programs, and other factors which could influence the analysis. The request and its proposed priority will be presented to the University Space Planning and ManagementCommittee consideration.
  4. Where the University Space Planning and Management Committee considers that the request is of considerable priority and that a reallocation of space should be considered, the Space Planner will consult with the Dean/Director potentially affected by a reallocation to seek and develop potential solutions.
  5. The Space Planner will forward the request and the related analysis to the University Space Planning and Management Committee for review and recommendations. Any concerns or objections raised by the parties concerning a proposed reallocation will be presented.
  6. The University Space Planning and Management Committee will forward its recommendations to the Administrative Committee for final decision.
  7. The allocation of space does not imply the approval of funds to carry out alterations or renovations, although cost and funding may be factors considered by the University Space Planning and Management Committee and the Administrative Committee. Alteration and renovation projects are generally covered under Policy No. 113.


  1. The Administrative Committee has requested that the University Space Planning and Management Committee recommend policies which would result in improved utilization rates/practices of offices, classroom and research space. If approved, faculties/services would have to comply with such policies within specified timelines.
  2. Space is a scarce and expensive resource; the capital cost of building and the ongoing maintenance costs are high. Faculties and services will be required to report annually on their space utilization using standard forms and report spaces available for release.
  3. The University community at large is also encouraged to identify areas which could potentially be reorganized for better utilization or for reallocation.


  1. When a space has been designated for classroom or seminar use, it cannot be modified for other uses without approval of the Administrative Committee (through the University Space Planning and Management Committee).
  2. All classrooms and seminar rooms are included in a central inventory managed by the Office of the Registrar. They may assign the room to a faculty for their sole use and management where utilization is justified and demonstrable. If such space is not fully utilized, the Office of the Registrar may withdraw such delegation or negotiate specific arrangements to ensure better utilization. Utilization data for all classrooms and seminars will be included in the central inventory.
  3. Space allocated to a faculty/service for their activities cannot be allocated to third parties (e.g. associations, individuals, commercial activities, spin-off companies etc) without prior approval of the Administrative Committee regardless of whether or not a rent is to be charged.
  4. When a faculty /service is interested in allocating space to a third party, it must first request approval in principle from the Administrative Committee for the amount of space to be allocated and the rent to be charged. Because space is at such a premium, the faculty or service must clearly demonstrate the value added to the University by having the third party on our campus. Notwithstanding the value added, it is generally required that third parties pay market rent as established by MMS for the quality of space provided. Failure to obtain Administrative Committee approval or including MMS in the discussions could result in an amount equivalent to rent being charged to the faculty/service for the loss of space.
  5. Once approval in principle has been granted, the faculty or service must include MMS in the discussions and in drafting of the agreement. This is very important in order that rates, tax, insurance and liability issues be adequately covered.
  6. With regards to spin-off companies, or commercialization opportunities, Research Services will submit the request to the Administrative Committee jointly with the Dean of the respective faculty. In addition to information on space and rental charges, the request should also identify very clearly the duration of the lease.


  1. No exception may be made to this Policy without the consent of the Vice-Rector, Resources or the Administrative Committee.

Revised June 28, 2000

(Office of the Vice-Rector, Resources)

Guidelines for Allocation of Office Space for Academic Staff

Office and research space will be allocated to various categories of academic staff in a manner which optimizes the use of space taking into account the mix of activities in which academics are involved and their needs. Optimum use of space includes ensuring an appropriate balance between access to adequate space and an effective use of vacant space during periods of absence or leave or for periods of appointment to administrative positions.

The following guidelines will generally apply as maximum allocations to the various categories of academic staff:

Full-time regular faculty

  • 1 private office only at the university

Full-time term faculty, research chairs, etc.

  • 1 private office only at the university

Emeritus professors

  • allocation to be reviewed annually by the Dean based on the level of academic activity of the professor; except in the case of significant active academic responsibilities, emeritus professors will share office space* subject to availability

Part-time faculty

  • shared office space, subject to Faculty policies *

Post-doctoral fellows, TA's, RA's

  • shared office space, subject to Faculty policies *

Visiting scholars

  • shared office space subject to Faculty policies *


  • Shared office space * subject to availability

* Shared space can include "hotelling": which describes a concept whereby space is provided based on a reservation system. Where hotelling is available, systems and policies for reserving space shall be set by the Faculty, Service, or unit.

Where Faculty-controlled space is geographically dispersed, the allocation of space to individuals among sites will be controlled by the Dean.

Where a professor or other full-time scientist or researcher has a joint appointment in two faculties or in a faculty and a research institute, the respective Dean(s) or Director of the Research Institute will consult with the professor and with each other on the best location for the professor's private office and on the shared space to be provided at the alternate site. In all cases, access by students to the professor must be assured and facilitated.

With regards to retired Faculty members, Deans will annually assess the contribution of individual retired members to teaching and research activities of the Faculty and on that basis determine what, if any, office space should and can be allocated. Where space is insufficient to accommodate the active needs of the Faculty, retired Faculty members will be required to forego access to space and other facilities.

Guidelines for the release of office and research space during an administrative appointment or during a leave period

It is understood that the release of office space for an extended leave will apply when the Dean can demonstrate that the office is needed for the operation of the faculty; in the case of leaves of one year or less, the professor will be returned to the office he or she occupied before the leave, unless a major reorganization of space has occurred. For leaves which extend beyond one year, the professor will be provided, upon his return, with an office of a quality equivalent to that provided to all other professors in the department.

Prior to an extended period of absence, leave, or appointment to an administrative position, professors will be required to specify the level of access to office and research space required based on the expected level of academic activity to be carried out on campus during the period. The Dean will provide adequate access to office space for the expected level of on-campus activity.

Normally, the following guidelines will apply:

Appointment to administrative posts:

1. University Executive Administration

  • release former office, retain research space if level of activity warrants

2. Deans, Vice Deans, Associate Deans

  • release former office, retain research space if warranted by the expected level of activity

3. Directors and Chairs of Departments

  • release former office, retain research space

Periods of leave when professor will be away for more than four months and for more than 50% of the time:

Office will be released and shared office space will be provided for periods during which office space is required.

Notwithstanding that a professor may not be asked to release his or her office, it is expected that a professor on leave for whatever period of time will arrange with the Dean to facilitate access to his or her office for faculty use.

Any action required with regards to research space during a period of leave will be determined by the Dean after consultation with the professor as to the level of on-campus activity expected during the period of absence and an assessment of the Faculty's needs during that period.

Relocation and Storage:

To facilitate the implementation of the guidelines, the University will maintain an effective and secure transportation and storage system. When office space is to be released, the University will provide packing services, if requested. If the professor is present at the packing and sealing of the boxes and confirms, in writing the condition of the belongings and of the boxes, the University will assume liability for the loss of or damage to the belongings.

Hotelling Facilities:

The University will assist faculties in creating appropriate shared offices and hotelling (*) facilities where faculties have demonstrated a commitment to optimizing use of space and to implementing a sound space management system.

Annual Reporting

In preparing the annual reports required under Policy 95, faculties will have to confirm their compliance with these guidelines. Faculties will be required to demonstrate how they have applied these guidelines in a rigorous manner before any request for additional space is considered by the University Space Planning and Management Committee.

(Physical Resources Service)