
Maintenance, Refurbishment, Alteration, Renovation, New Construction, Leasing, Purchase and Sale of Buildings

Approved Administrative Committee 1348.5



  1. This policy defines the responsibilities of the Physical Resources Service and the scope of the services it provides.


  1. Maintenance (paragraph 11): refers to the repair, upkeep and operation of facilities, buildings, grounds and vehicles.
  2. Refurbishment (paragraph 13): refers to the replacement of components in existing facilities according to University standards.
  3. Alterations, Renovations and Construction (paragraph 15): includes the conversion, arrangement or rearrangement of existing spaces or the expansion of facilities or buildings.
  4. New construction (paragraph 17): refers to the construction of new buildings.
  5. Postal Service (paragraph 33): unit whose primary duties are the efficient processing and delivery of mail.
  6. Director: refers to the Director of the Physical Resources Service.
  7. Service: refers to the Physical Resources Service.
  8. Construction projects: According to the Agreement on Internal Trade, construction means a construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or renovation of a building, structure or other civil engineering or architectural work and includes site preparation, excavation, drilling, seismic investigation, the supply of products and materials, the supply of equipment and machinery if they are included in and incidental to the construction, and the installation and repair of fixtures of a building, structure or other civil engineering or architectural work, but does not include professional consulting services related to the construction contract unless they are included in the procurement.


  1. The maintenance, refurbishment, alteration, renovation, new construction, leasing, purchase and sale of buildings are the responsibility of the Service, except when the Service delegates a part of its responsibility in this area. The Director must ensure that facilities, buildings, grounds, and vehicles are well maintained and upgraded; he or she is also responsible for alterations, renovations and construction according to the Master Plan. The fulfillment of the Service鈥檚 mandate is subject to municipal, provincial and federal legislation, the University鈥檚 policies and methods, and federal, provincial and inter-provincial agreements.


  1. The main components of the maintenance program are described as follows:
    1. Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning - These include electrical power supply, the supply of fuels and other materials; the operation and mechanical repair of heating equipment, stationary equipment, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, emergency generators, lighting equipment, snow melting machines, fire alarms, firefighting systems (except portable extinguishers) and elevators, and the replacement of bulbs and fluorescent lights.
    2. Trades Section - This unit performs general, roof, door, hardware and window repairs (for the replacement of locks, see Policy No. 35 - Key Control). It also performs minor repairs to furniture (fixed or mobile) and does paint touch-ups.
    3. Housekeeping - The housekeeping program includes the supply of cleaning material and equipment and of janitorial services; it also includes drapes cleaning, garbage disposal, waste management, extermination, furniture and carpet shampooing, window washing, general cleaning of grounds, the opening and locking of doors and the maintenance of the sports complex. Under the regular housekeeping program, public areas and shared areas are cleaned each day, while offices are cleaned each month. The recycling sector, with its quantitative objectives plan, works to continually improve the recycling of paper, glass, etc. and, through awareness campaigns, encourages the reduction and reuse of these materials.
    4. Grounds Maintenance - This sector takes care of snow removal, maintains grounds and flowerbeds, and both operates and maintains other materials.
    5. Transport, Maintenance and Rental of Vehicles - In principle and according to its master plan, the University of Ottawa maintains only a limited number of vehicles to meet essential transportation needs. Before a vehicle can be purchased, the Administrative Committee must provide special authorization, even though funds have been budgeted for this purpose. The rental of vehicles, including the rental of buses, comes under the responsibility of Materials Management Services. Standards and procedures for the services outlined above appear in the Guide to Transport Services (under revision). The Guide is updated regularly and distributed to the main users of these services; it is also available on the Physical Resources Web site.-->
    6. Temporary Buildings - This function includes the analysis of maintenance possibilities and of the funds encumbered during the life of a temporary building when it becomes vacant (See Policy No. 95 - Allocation and Utilization of University Facilities).
    7. Key Control - Refer to Policy No. 35 - Key Control.
    8. Energy Conservation and Environment- In this area, employees of the Service constantly look for ways to preserve and restore the environment in an urban setting, and to ensure that provincial and federal laws are rigorously applied. Employees also help restore and preserve the environment by maintaining and improving existing systems. Finally, the Service ensures the safe and efficient management of air emissions and works diligently to store toxic substances safely.
    9. Energy and resource conservation on campus are subject to very tight controls. And to this end, the Service conducts research on new conservation methods (refer to Policy No. 72 - Environmental Policy and to Policy No. 91 - Environmental Management).
    10. Purchase and Installation of Bulletin Boards - Refer to Policy No. 73 - Bulletin Boards.
    11. Purchase and Installation of Signs - Refer to Policy No. 79 - Signage.
  2. Procedure (maintenance requests):

    To reduce duplication and operating costs, users should go through their administrative officers for service requests, who will submit electronic requests or contact the Call Centre coordinators at extension 2222. However, individuals may contact the Call Centre directly. The Call Centre coordinators receive the requests, determine their urgency, set a reasonable priority, and forward the work requests to the sector responsible.


  1. The functions of the refurbishment program are described as follows:
    1. Extent of Interior Work

      The components of the refurbishment program for building interiors include:

      1. hardware, doors and windows;
      2. floor, wall, ceiling and baseboard finishes;
      3. stationery furniture, such as that in laboratories or classrooms;
      4. notice boards and directories, blackboards (see Policy No. 73 - Bulletin Boards);
      5. upgrading of electrical and mechanical systems.
    2. Extent of Exterior Refurbishment

      The components of the refurbishment program for the exterior envelope of buildings include:

      1. landscaping and urban furniture;
      2. caulking of windows and doors;
      3. cleaning of walls and repairing of masonry;
      4. streets, sidewalks, sewer and water supply systems, decks, stairs and access ramps;
      5. roofs and crampings.
  2. Procedure (refurbishment requests):

    The Service regularly inspects buildings and sets its priorities based on its interventions, the needs, and the funds available. To be considered in the evaluation process, faculties and services must submit their requests in writing to the Assets Portfolio Manager or contact the Call Centre, extension 2222.


  1. The functions of the alteration and renovation program are described as follows:

    These include the conversion, arrangement or rearrangement of existing spaces.

  2. Procedure (requests for alterations and renovations):
    1. Requests must be submitted in writing to a facilities planner or by contacting the Call Centre, extension 2222.
    2. The Service studies requests in close cooperation with the faculty, school or service concerned. A summary estimate is given free of charge to the requester. If the requester goes ahead with the project, he or she receives a detailed estimate (including functional technical programs where applicable, plans and preliminary specifications, where needed, along with a preliminary work schedule). The funds encumbered for this work are charged to the project even if the project does not go ahead. The Service waits for written financial approval from the requester and for agreement in principle from the Vice-President, Resources or the Vice-President's delegate before preparing final documents and proceeding to a call for tenders.
    3. The Service is responsible for the project plans, work and cost estimates, and calls for tenders. Once the designs and estimates have been approved by the requester, the Service receives and evaluates the tenders and awards a contract. In consultation with the requester, the Service also ensures that the work is carried out and takes all action required to have the project completed.


  1. Requests for new construction must come from the Central Administration of the University and follow the same steps as renovation requests.


  1. If a building is to be leased, purchased or sold, the call-for-tenders procedures will follow the levels set out in paragraph 22. For transactions of less than $500,000, the Vice-President, Resources makes recommendations and the Administrative Committee issues approvals, and for transactions greater than $500,000, the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors issues approvals.


  1. All construction projects must be carried out according to the standards in Policy No. 77 (Occupational Health and Safety), in Policy No. 72 (Environmental Protection) and in Policy No. 91 (Environmental Management). Before launching a construction project, authorities must complete the checklist posted on the .


  1. Faculties and services must submit requests for projects to be executed during the upcoming fiscal year to the Service by November15 of the current fiscal year. Special funding projects (e.g. CFI) are not subject to this cut-off date.


  1. The list of projects is divided into six categories:

    • Space optimization
    • Health and safety
    • Accessibility
    • Deferred maintenance / obsolescence
    • Sustainable development
    • Other (special funding, e.g. CFI)
    • Space optimization projects are reviewed and analyzed by the planning team according to the following criteria:
    • the University鈥檚 strategic objectives
    • technical requirements for completion
    • available funding.

    For other types of projects, priority is determined by the Service taking into account the recommendations of the committees (accessibility and health-safety) and the maintenance of the building inventory.

    The Service then submits the list of projects to the Vice-President, Resources, to finalize the 鈥渃apital budget / building inventory鈥.

    An agreement must be signed by the faculty or service when it contributes financially to the project, as required by the Policy on Capital Funding for Construction and Renovation Projects.

    The 鈥渃apital budget / building inventory鈥 is then submitted for approval to the Administrative Committee and, subsequently, to the Board of Governors.


  1. Please see 鈥Procedure 19-2 of the Physical Resources Service鈥 for comprehensive information.


  1. From $1 to $10,000at least one verbal offer;

    From $10,001 to $50,000at least two verbal or written offers;

    From $50,001 to $250,000at least three written offers;

    Greater than $250,000formal call for tenders posted on an electronic call-for-tenders system.

    All supply requests for goods and services that do not meet the 鈥渃onstruction project鈥 definition fall under Policy 36, Supply and Services


  1. In the situations set out in Appendix A (Exceptions 鈥 circumstances justifying exclusions), it is possible to be exempted from issuing a formal call for tenders, provided that the exemption is not designed to avoid competition between suppliers or to discriminate against suppliers from any other province.
  2. In the situations set out in Appendix B (Exceptions 鈥 circumstances justifying contracting activity with a sole supplier), i.e. when a sole supplier is able to meet the requirements of a formal call for tenders, an entity may be exempted from complying with this appendix, provided that the exemption is not designed to avoid competition between suppliers or to discriminate against suppliers from any other province.


  1. Following a call for tenders, a request for standing offers, or a request for proposals, of a value equal to or less than $500,000, the submissions received are analysed and a contracting recommendation is submitted to the Director of the Service for approval, who may delegate his or her authority to assistant directors, supervisors and/or group leaders.

    Once approved by the Director of the Service, the contracting recommendation following a call for tenders, a request for standing offers, or a request for proposals, of a value greater than $500,000, is submitted to the Vice-President, Resources for approval. Any contracting recommendation with respect to an architectural firm whose fees exceed $100,000 or to a general contracting firm whose fees exceed $500,000 will be sent to the Vice-President, Resources for approval, who will submit his or her recommendation to the Administration Committee or the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, as required.

    If an existing work order or contract undergoes a price variation, this should not exceed 20 percent of the original amount, to a maximum of $100,000. Otherwise, it will be subject to approval at the appropriate reporting level.


  1. Once approvals have been confirmed, the Director or his or her designated delegate is responsible for approving the related contracts and/or work orders.


  1. Sealed submissions are sent to the Service and are opened on the date and at the time of the stated deadline. This takes place in the presence of representatives of the Service and of the users concerned. The firms having submitted tenders are also invited to attend.
  2. Price quotations are not necessarily opened in public. Confidentiality in this matter is the responsibility of the Service.


  1. Additional major work required because of unforeseen changes in the requester's needs are determined jointly by the Service and the contractor. Extra expenses must be approved by the dean or the director in question before the extra work can take place.


  1. The Service drafts an annual statement of the work to be accomplished, estimates the cost of this work and ensures that the required financing is indeed available before work can begin.

    Maintenance fees are included in the operating budget of the Service. However, expenses are recovered if the work involved is done for self-financed services (Housing, Sports Complex, etc.).

    Certain maintenance projects that fall outside the Service's responsibilities may be carried out if the requester agrees to pay for labour and materials. In this regard, a requester has the option of obtaining a prior estimate of the cost of the work.

    The cost of transportation work is recovered in the following cases:

    • moving from one building to another or inside the same building, including the relocation of furniture after an employee has been transferred or after technical changes have taken place;
    • relocation of furniture or equipment during renovations (for example, painting and carpet replacement);
    • relocation of special equipment such as incubators and computers, as well as fragile, cumbersome or heavy equipment requiring the assistance of a specialized firm.

    The cost of renovations must be covered by the faculties, schools and services involved before work begins. This type of work may also be financed jointly with the Central Administration of the University or with other sources.


  1. Internal management and design fees are charged to construction or renovation projects, according to the following formula:
    • base fees of 0.5% for planning and general administration, plus;
    • fees of 3.5% for the actual management of the project
    • hourly billing for design and supervisory work performed internally by Physical Resources staff.


  1. When the Service feels it necessary to call on professional services or on technologists (because the Service's workload is too heavy or because it needs expertise different from that of its employees), these professional services are charged to the project. Their cost would, however, be included in the estimate.


  1. Only the following items can be stored permanently: tables and chairs (for exams, registration periods and classroom activities) as well as portable coat racks. Items that the Materials Management Service has classified as redundant cannot be stored; they must therefore be disposed of immediately. When a service wants to store equipment or material temporarily, it must first use the space available on campus. If space is lacking, the Service must find an off-campus storage site. To save money, however, furniture used every day, every week or every month must be kept on location rather than transferred repeatedly between offices and storage sites. Because of space restrictions and the cost of storage, the Physical Resources Service must analyse the actual usefulness of stored items twice a year. Items stored temporarily must be taken back within a reasonable time, failing which they are sold or disposed of.


  1. These requests must be submitted through the Call Centre, extension 2222.


  1. Mail processing on campus is the responsibility of the Mail, Grounds, Transport Service. The Postal Services sorts and delivers mail quickly, economically and safely. The standards and procedures for the services listed above as well as the list of units who can use the special messenger service are given in the Postal Services Guide. The Guide is updated regularly and is distributed to primary users; it is also available on the Physical Resources Web site.


  1. The Service will use monitoring tools to analyse transactions considered non-compliant with the University鈥檚 policies and regulations. The Service will inform the managers in question and assist them in rectifying this type of practice. Transgressions of a value less than $10,000 will be evaluated and processed by the Director of the Service.

    Transgressions of a value greater than $10,000 and less than $50,000 will be submitted to the Vice-President, Resources for study and approval.

    Once evaluated by the Director of the Service, transgressions of a value greater than $50,000 and less than $500,000 will be submitted by the Vice-President, Resources to the Administrative Committee.

    The Administrative Committee will forward to the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors all transgressions of a value greater than $500,000.


  1. There can be no exception to this policy without the written approval of the Administrative Committee.

Revised October 4, 2006

(Physical Resources Service)



For the purposes of the paragraph EXCEPTIONS (a), the following exceptions are allowed:

  1. when an unexpected emergency situations occurs and construction products, services or work cannot be obtained in a timely manner by applying open call-for-tender contracting procedures;
  2. when it is necessary to purchase products or services from a consultant for issues of a confidential or protected nature and it is reasonable to believe that their disclosure, within an open call-for-tenders process, could compromise the confidential nature of government information, disturb the economy, or in any way harm the public interest;
  3. when a contract must be issued under a cooperation agreement that is funded, in whole or in part, by an international cooperation organization, but only to the extent that this agreement between the entity and this organization sets out contracting rules that differ from the obligations specified in this appendix;
  4. when construction materials must be purchased, and it is possible to demonstrate that the transportation costs or technical considerations will have the effect of geographically limiting the available sources of supply, especially with respect to sand, stone, gravel, asphalt, composite cement and pre-mixed cement used to build or repair roads;
  5. when compliance with the provisions of this policy, which addresses the open nature of calls for tenders, would reduce the ability of an entity to maintain safety or public order or to protect the life and health of humans, animals or plants;
  6. when no tender is received in response to a call for tenders issued under this policy.



The following exceptions are covered under the paragraph EXCEPTIONS (b):

  1. to ensure compatbility with existing products, to respect exclusive rights such as copyrights or rights flowing from a licence or patent, or to carry out maintenance on specialized products when this maintenance must be performed by the manufacturer or his representative;
  2. when, for technical reasons, there is an absence of competition, the products or services can only be provided by a given supplier, and no alternative solutions or replacement products or services are available;
  3. to purchase products or services controlled by a supplier who holds a legislative-based monopoly;
  4. to purchase products on a commodities market;
  5. for work that must be performed on a leased building, on parts of this building, or adjacent to this building, where the work can only be performed by the lessor;
  6. for work that must be executed on an asset by a contractor, in compliance with the provisions of a guarantee covering the asset or original work;
  7. for a contract that must be awarded to the winner of a design contest;
  8. for the purchase of a prototype or new product or service that must be developed through a research, trial, study or original design contract. This exception does not include subsequent purchase;
  9. for the purchase of products at exceptionally advantageous terms, e.g. resulting from a bankruptcy or receivership, but not for current purchases;
  10. for government contracts involving original artwork;
  11. for government contracts involving subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals;
  12. for government contracts involving capital assets.