
Regulations Governing Media Production Services

Date effective: 1981-03-26

Authorized by: Vice-Rector, Academic



  1. This procedure describes the steps to follow to obtain media production services at the University of Ottawa as they are described in Policy 82a.
  2. Audio-Visual and Reprography Service - Media Production Section: Users wishing to obtain media production services related to teaching, research, and to other projects must submit a request in person to the Media Production Section located at Morisset Hall.
  3. Services include photography, graphics and multimedia productions (audio and video, slide-tape presentations, etc.).
    1. Estimates are provided according to approved price lists.
    2. Projects approved by faculties, schools, departments and services, are assessed according to quality-control criteria and according to the priorities of the University.
  4. To avoid conflicts of interest, the Educational Technology Centre (Faculty of Education) and the Department of Communication (Faculty of Arts) do not produce instructional material outside their respective spheres of activities with the exception of collaborative projects commissioned by the Centre for University Teaching. These projects require the prior approval of the deans concerned.
  5. The use of production equipment is restricted to authorized production staff members.
  6. Copyrights: The University of Ottawa retains the copyright for all material produced by its media production services.
  7. Reproduction rights: No existing media documents may be copied or transferred without the written consent of the owner or producer/distributor of that document. This applies to 16mm films, video tapes, video cassettes, and any other external source media document the University rents, borrows or has in its possession.
  8. The Audio-Visual Media Library will be informed by Media Production of any video production projects. The Audio-Visual Media Library will then be able to purchase a copy according to current price lists.


  1. The priorities to be applied when allocating services and available resources are detailed in article 4 of Policy 82.


  1. No exception to this procedure may be made without the consent of the Director of the Audio-Visual and Reprography Service, in consultation with the Media Services Subcommittee.

Revised April 8, 1992

(AudioVisual and Reprography Services)