
Language and make-up courses

We offer make-up courses in science and mathematics for students who are missing prerequisites. We also offer language courses to improve a second language or your French as a first language, or to learn a modern language. To enrol in these courses, you may need to take a placement test or fill out additional forms.

Course information

Information icon.

Academic requirements

To know if you need to take one of these courses or if we recommend that you do, see your offer of admission or the My Academic Requirement application in uoZone.

Make-up courses in mathematics and science

Make-up courses in mathematics and science are either equivalent to high school prerequisite courses or combine high school subject matter with a university course. We offer these courses to students who are missing a prerequisite course at the time of their admission or who need a prerequisite before making a request to change their program.

Find out how to enrol in make-up courses in mathematics and science.

Students admitted for the Winter term: If you need to take a make-up course in biology, chemistry or physics, contact the Faculty of Science to find out how to enrol.

Modern language courses

Students from any faculty can take modern language courses as electives. The University of Ottawa offers modern language courses in nine different languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian.

Find out how to enrol in modern language courses.

Courses in French or English as a second language

Whether you鈥檙e interested in improving your language skills in French or in English, or the University is recommending that you take a course in your second language, all students can take courses in French as a second language (FLS) and English as a second language (ESL) as electives. Courses range from beginner to high-advanced levels. You must complete a language test before enrolling in your first ESL or FLS course. The test determines which course(s) you can enrol in. If you have already completed an admissions test (e.g. Immersion Admissions Test) or an FLS or ESL course, you are exempt from the placement test.

Visit the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute website for instructions on how to enrol in a second language course (ESL and FLS).