
Prerequisite courses in other provinces and territories

To enrol in certain mathematics and science courses at the University of Ottawa or to make changes to a program of study, students must have completed prerequisites at the high school or CEGEP level.

Prerequisite courses

The prerequisite courses in other provinces and territories are listed as Ontario secondary school course codes in the Enrol application, in the course descriptions of the  website, and in certain course sequences.

To determine whether a high school or CEGEP course corresponds to the Ontario prerequisite, consult the tables below.

If you have completed a high school or CEGEP course that corresponds to the Ontario secondary school prerequisite course, you can enrol in your university course or request a change to your program of studies.

Mathematics and science courses in Canada (excluding Quebec)

If no calculus course is available, we recommend students take the most advanced mathematics course offered. A student without sufficient calculus knowledge may still be admitted but will be required to take a make-up course in calculus.

Ontario Advanced Functions 4U (MHF 4U) & Calculus and Vectors 4U (MCV 4U) Advanced Functions 4U (MHF 4U) or a Mathematics 4U course Functions 3U or 3M (MCR 3U or MCF 3M) Biology 4U (SBI 4U) Chemistry 4U (SCH 4U) Physics 4U (SPH 4U) Physics 3U (SPH 3U)
Alberta Mathematics 30-1 Mathematics 30-1
or Mathematics 30-2
Mathematics 20 Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Physics 30 Physics 20
British Columbia Calculus 12 Mathematics 12 Mathematics 11 Biology 12 Chemistry 12 Physics 12 Physics 11
Manitoba Calculus 45S Mathematics 40S Mathematics 30S Biology 40S Chemistry 40S Physics 40S Physics 30S
New Brunswick Pre-Calculus B120 or Calculus 120 Pre-Calculus A120 Pre-Calculus 110 Biology 121 or 122 Chemistry 121 or 122 Physics 121 or 122 Grade 11 Physics
Newfoundland and Labrador Calculus 3208 3000-level  Mathematics 2000-level  Mathematics Biology  3201 Chemistry 3202 Physics 3204 Physics 2204
Nova Scotia Calculus 12 Mathematics 12 Mathematics 11 Biology 12 Chemistry 12 Physics 12 Physics 11
Nunavut Mathematics 30-1 Mathematics 30-1
or Mathematics 30-2
Mathematics 20 Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Physics 30 Physics 20
N.W.T. Mathematics 30-1 Mathematics 30-1
or Mathematics 30-2
Mathematics 20 Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Physics 30 Physics 20
Prince Edward Island Mathematics 611 Mathematics 621 Mathematics 11 Biology 621 Chemistry 621 Physics 621 Physics 521
Saskatchewan Calculus 30 Mathematics 30 Mathematics 20 Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Physics 30 Physics 20
Yukon Calculus 12 Mathematics 12 Mathematics 11 Biology 12 Chemistry 12 Physics 12 Physics 11

Mathematics and science courses in Ontario and Quebec


Calculus and Vectors 4U (MCV 4U)

Advanced Functions 4U (MHF 4U)

A Mathematics 4U course (i.e. MDM 4U)

Functions 3U or 3M (MCR 3U or MCF 3M)

Biology 4U (SBI 4U)

Chemistry 4U (SCH 4U)

Physics 4U (SPH 4U)

Quebec Secondary V Technical and Scientific Option or Science Option (Secondary V) + Make up courses MAT1318 and MAT1339 Technical and Scientific Option or Science Option (Secondary V) + Make up course MAT1318 Technical and Scientific Option or Science Option (Secondary V) Mathematics (Secondary IV) Science and Technology with or without Option (Secondary IV) Chemistry 504 Physics 504
Quebec CEGEP

Mathematics (201) Calculus I

If you have not completed this course, consult the Secondary V row.

Mathematics (201) Calculus I

If you have not completed this course, consult the Secondary V row.

Mathematics (201) Calculus I

If you have not completed this course, consult the Secondary V row.

CEGEP students must have completed the course listed in the Secondary V row.

Biology (101) General Biology

If you have not completed this course, consult the Secondary V row.

Chemistry (202) General Chemistry or Organic Chemistry

If you have not completed this course, consult the Secondary V row.

Physics (203) Mechanics or Electricity and Magnetism

If you have not completed this course, consult the Secondary V row.