
The Student Psychotherapy and Mental Health Services team is here to support you! We provide short-term personal counselling and therapy, support groups and other mental health services to help with the cognitive, emotional, and social skills needed for success in school, work and everyday life.

Psychotherapy and mental health services

We offer confidential Counselling and Therapy and Support Groups to assist you on your wellness journey. We are here to help you assess your personal well-being, to support you, and to facilitate your access to many available resources. Explore all the services available to you!  

bear wellness character sitting at the desk

Counselling and therapy

Counselling is a confidential service for students who are dealing with life difficulties. It is a safe space to explore new perspectives and build re鈥
Squirrel wellness character reading a book sitting at a desk , image with rounded corners

Support groups

Support groups offer a safe, confidential space to learn, share and connect with other students.
Moose wellness character walking outside wearing a backpack with a Gee-gees t-shirt , image with rounded corners

Other mental health services

Discover the frequently used services such as Academic Accommodations, Counselling, and much more!

Additional counselling or therapeutic support 

Depending on your faculty or student status, you may have access to additional services.

How to book an appointment

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